Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Melting Pot

Today, my co-worker, Mo took me the Melting Pot for dinner. I was excited because I have never been to the Melting Pot in the States. This is the second restaurant I have visited in Djibouti. The first restaurant, I went immediately after work, so I didn’t have to fret over what to wear. But this was my first real tour of the city, somewhat.

I decided to fit in by dressing like the Djiboutians and my new friend, Kadra. I put on the longest dress that I own and wrapped my head with a matching scarf. Most Djiboutians just seem to throw on anything and not worry about color schemes. When my coworker came to pick me up, all he could do was take a picture. (Picture is coming soon). He shook his head and tried to refrain from laughing. I ignored him because he is a male and they don’t have to cover up, so clearly he doesn’t know what he is talking about. After all my prior research on Djibouti, I was confident in my attire and we left for the Melting Pot.

While walking to the gate, we ran into other coworkers. Since I was covered up, they initially ignored me because they didn’t know who I was. (See, told you I fit in!!) When my coworker told them it was me, they all just had a ball laughing. One stated, “Ramadan doesn’t start until Monday. You don’t have to dress like that.” Whatever. As if I would take fashion advice from them.

Once we arrived at the Melting Pot, I was slightly upset. The entire menu was in French. Just a little background on me, I took Spanish in high school and college. So reading a French menu is a challenge for me. Mo stated that he would order for me, but I guess he was so hungry that he temporarily forgot about the promise he made. When the waitress came, I was forced to order by pointing at pictures. In the end, I received spicy tuna sushi.

Really?!? I finally get a chance to eat at a Melting Pot restaurant and I order sushi.

Moral of the story: I have to learn French!!


J. Michael said...

Te quiero y te extraño much mi amor.

You got got me rolling over here. Heather I'm so you made it safely and are fitting in. When is Happy Sr. gonna be online? They must not know who you are girl. Tell them to hurry up so you can SHOW YOSELF!!

Tener cuidado, miquel

MissT said...

Why are you eating sushi at the Melting Pot??? LOL And we so went there for for our last anti-Valentine's Day dinner! :-)

Loving the blog entries...and all the new adventures you're embarking on!

J'taime! Tricy

Heather Gibbs said...

WHAT?! I don't remember eating at the Melting Pot in DC. Correction: This was my first time at a Melting Pot in Africa. :)

Sweetdas said...

You so need to get your maid to teach you French and slap your co-worker for not ordering for you. I would have eaten his food!!

Linda Griffin said...
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Linda Griffin said...

I can't wait to see the picture! LOL!

djibouti melting pot said...

We have our English menu now.
Just to let everybody know- we are not connected in anyway with The MP franchise.
Our concept and menu are different. We choose the name thinking at a multicultural environment , our team and our dishes.
Hope to see you again
Restaurant Melting Pot Djibouti
Phone nr +253 350399