Monday, September 8, 2008


Hi! My name is Heather and I am a hypochondriac.

Or at least that is what my doctor is trying to make me. I went in for my $35 co-pay check-up and my OB-GYN could not find that cyst that I was talking about. She said that the lump that she felt was "text book perfect". I told her, that apparently I have been abnormal for the last 28 years because that lump was never there before. Of course she just looked at me as if I was crazy....

So the good news is Webmd was not correct in my diagnosis. The bad news, I have to pay another $35 co-pay next month for a my annual pap exam. **SIGH**

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How was YOUR weekend?

I must say, 2008 has been the worst year I have had, yet. I have been through so much life-altering events that I am beginning to wear out. I am usually very open about my problems and concerns, but I have been faced with things that only God and I know about.

I am very discouraged. I must admit. These are the times when we as Christians are put through obstacles to test our faith. And yes, I know, that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle, but all I am asking…can I please get a breather somewhere in between?

It’s always something. Lately, I found a lump in my genitals. I went to my ever faithful, WebMD to take the symptom checker test and I was informed that I might have cancer. Now, I know that everything these days gives you cancer, but I didn’t have other options. On Friday, I called my OB-GYN and requested an emergency appointment. When I told her what I found in the shower, the receptionist didn’t even give me the spiel about the next available appointment being in two weeks (ladies, I know you can relate). Instead, she instructed me to come in first thing Monday morning to get it looked at.

Great!! Now, I have my entire weekend to freak out about if I have cancer, going through a biopsy, and/or having to get this grape-sized cyst removed. SIGH

What do I do? I already feel like I am juggling so much on my plate. And it is so hard for me to tell anyone but God. I bet this was his plan, eh?

As an icing (cream cheese, please), I take my dog, Rommie to the vet for his scheduled vaccinations and they inform me that he has lyme disease. Are you serious? Now, I feel like I should be tested for lyme disease, as well. But I won’t…I am certain that I haven’t been bit by tick, but I do remember going through a phase where I was pulling ticks off Rommie after every walk. Now I feel like I have to punish him, by not taking him for a walk. Luckily, he hasn’t displayed any symptoms of a lyme disease carrier and for that matter, neither have I.

So I am prepared to answer the every faithful Monday morning question, “How was your weekend?” But if someone asks, they better be prepared for an earful. Because I am sure I will be updating this blog soon, as my weekend is not over and neither is this year.

I am so ready to end this year. Hopefully, 2009 has a great beginning ….