Monday, September 5, 2011

Homesick Blues

Yes, I am still alive; I just have been in a funky mood lately. I guess the “vacation” is slowing down; I have become homesick! I have dealt with Djibouti because I looked at this opportunity as short term. And even though a year isn’t a long time, it’s the longest I have been away from my family and friends. It doesn’t help that my internet connection and satellite television at home is non-existent. And while I am at work, everyone back on the East coast is sleeping. Therefore, I rely on the internet to give me the gleams of hope to skype or facetime my close connections.

Issues have arrived back in the States that I wish I could just fix. That is what I do. I fix things. And even if I can’t fix it, I usually feel better knowing that I attempted or tried my best. Or better yet, that I was there. Being overseas has made me question whether I have control issues. (No worries, I squashed that ridiculous thought)

Yes, this is my sad song. I have tried to guilt everyone into coming to visit me, but it doesn’t seem to work. Or did it? Will you come visit me??


D Walls said...


Just discovered your blog and I'm catching up on your posts. Loved Delta Force. You are hilarious. We miss you!

Dorion said...

HeDeGi! I miss your beautiful smile and our regular check ins. You're almost 1/3 of the way through your tour and I can't wait to catch up with you over a very nice bottle of red wine.

Will be in touch again soon.

Nneka said...

You need ask no more, of COURSE I'll come visit!!! :-)