Friday, February 5, 2010

My SC Most Embarrassing Moments...

The instances below have made me bow my head in shame to say that I am from SC. Now that I healed from the embarrassment, I am ready to talk about these instances. In no particular order:

SC: State attorney fired after Viagra and sex toy lunch break 'encounter' in cemetery w/stripper

Stable owner catches man having sex with horse
Governor Mark Sanford Admits to Extramarital Affair

Joe Wilson says outburst to Obama speech 'spontaneous'

S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer Compares Helping Poor to Feeding Stray Animals

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mr. Right

I received this email last Summer. I wanted to post it to receive your comments. When I forwarded the email, I received some very interesting replies...both positive and negative. Please share your thoughts.

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot; who calls you back

when you hang up on him; who will lie under the stars and listen to

your heartbeat; or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for

the boy who kisses your forehead; who wants to show you off to the

world when you are in sweats; who holds your hand in front of his

friends; who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on; One who

is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is

to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "that's

her"....(author unknown/ )

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Office Etiquette

This is my first time working in a cubicle setting and I must say…I don’t like it. Even though I blog about my life, I still consider myself a fairly private person. When in an office cubicle setting, your business is not your own. In the spirit of Emily Post etiquette lessons, I have created a few ways in which one should conduct oneself to remain courteous and respect to co-workers. Please feel free to add on to this list.

1. Speak when entering a room. You were taught manners; please don’t shame your parents.

2. Not to contradict number one, but please don’t speak pertinent business to someone (ME) on the way to their (MY) desk. You should allow this person to get to their desk, put down their pocketbook, and turn on their computer.

3. If you send me an email, you do not have to come to my desk to ask if I received it. Please trust that the Internet/server/world wide web will do its magic and I will receive it in less than 30 seconds.

4. Do not bring fish to lunch. Period.

5. Use your inside voice when talking on the phone. Your co-workers do not care to know the personal affairs in your life.

6. Casual Friday does not justify wearing skinny sweatpants. Don’t mess it up for everyone!

7. Those who gossip to you, will gossip about you. Do not participate in office gossip or rumors.

8. Keep personal and work life separate. No matchmaking, no dating co-workers, and no hanging out with them on weekends. Trust me. This is best.

9. Don’t hover while a co-worker is on the phone or typing a personal document. Leave a note and they will get to you when they are free and available.

10. Mute your cell phone. No one wants to hear Khia “My Neck, My Back” every 15 minutes when your phone rings.