Sunday, January 31, 2010

Questions That Annoy Me

I try my best not to show when I am bothered, agitated, or annoyed. However, there are five questions that I thought were worthy of sharing as I strongly wish you would not ever ask me these.

1. How was work?
I am sure you are just asking me this question because you think it shows you care. However, I know you don’t. There is no way you are genuinely interested in what I did the last 8 hours of my day. And how am I so sure of this? I really don’t have a purpose in knowing what you did the last 8 hours. If something exciting and newsworthy happened, then please do share. Otherwise, spare me with the boring details.

2. Do you know how to cook?
This question only comes from a male. It always follows when he realizes that I am from South Carolina. The perception is that everyone from South Carolina knows how to cook. First, my problem is with the vagueness of this question. What are you asking me if I know how to cook? Do you want to know if I can cook grits? Fried chicken? Or collard greens? Second, I promise you those who answer, yes, probably aren’t contestants on Iron Chef America. And the majority of the people, who do cook, also are confident that they CAN cook. Now, it’s not my duty to tell people that their food isn’t as tasty as they claim. (Please don’t make me call names…lol) This question is very relative.

3. What is your story? /Tell Me About Yourself.
I hate this question when interviewers ask it, and I abhor it when asked in my personal life. Are your expecting me to tell you the good and the bad of my life within 5 minutes? Is this your way of saying that you want to get to know me but you don’t have the time and energy to let nature take its course? Considering that I blog, I would like to think that my thoughts and opinions are obvious. If there is something that I don’t cover in this blog, follow me on twitter. I am sure within no time; you will understand what makes Heather tick.

4. Are you still here?
I have once prayed for invisible powers in many situations in my life, but currently no luck. However, when someone is looking me directly in my eyes and still ask me if I am still here, I never know how to respond. Should I just stare, ignore it, or reply in a very sarcastic manner.

5. When are you getting married?
I’m sorry, but did you meet someone who told you that I was the reason on why we haven’t walked down the aisle? Further, have I introduced you to someone that I even thought was worthy to be Mr. Gibbs? Someone that I told you I could stomach for longer than 3 months? Let me save you time in thinking about it, the answer is NO! As for when I will get married, Jesus and I are still working out the details. When we come to a consensus, you will be the first to know…maybe.

While the matter of these questions is mostly light-hearted, please know there is some truth. Do you have any questions that annoy you?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

No more Superstitions

I grew up in the South, so every new year I stuff my face and my gut with collard greens and hoppin John. Together, I believed this meal would bring me money and good luck. Now, I want to preface by saying, that I am not complaining, but I just think that as much as I ate collard greens, I should be able to afford an iMac computer. You get my drift?

So for 2010, I decided to do things opposite as I have done in the past. I wanted to prove that I don’t believe in Superstitions and instead rely on my faith in God. Therefore, I rang in my new year, at home, alone. No friends, no family, no champagne. My house was not as clean as it should have been, I had week-old sheets on my bed, clothes not hung up, floors not mopped or vacuumed. In addition, my car was not filled with gas and my Christmas tree and decorations were still up.

It was a struggle to not do as I have been accustomed the past 29 years, but I am on a mission to prove a point. So stay with me. However, as hard as I tried not to continue my superstitious ways, there was one tradition that I just couldn’t afford to gamble with. And that is wearing red underwear to bring me love in the new year.

I have even contemplated wearing red underwear the entire month of January and February, just to ensure “I win in 2010”.