Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wine Me Up

Last October, I started a new hustle as an Independent Wine Consultant with The Traveling Vineyard.

I found this opportunity to be unique and rewarding as I bring 5 bottles of wine (from all over the world) to a host's home. Each host is asked to invite 10-15 people for the wine tasting. As a consultant, I educate the guest on how to taste wine. (Sight, Swirl, Smell, Sip, Savor, Spit/Swallow). I do not consider myself a wine connoisseur in the least, however, I am a wine enthusiast! I enjoy tasting new wines. It is even more rewarding teaching others about food pairings and "legs".

Our top rated wines are from vineyards throughout the world, and by hosting your own party you can enjoy traveling to these vineyards from the comforts of your home! I bring vineyards into your home from the premier wine producing regions including Napa Valley, Bordeaux, and Tuscany. At the Traveling Vineyard, we believe wine should be purchased by taste not by label and reputation. We offer only the best price/value to our customers and guests. The Traveling Vineyard home wine tasting party is becoming the most popular home party available.

Walking away from one of my shows is guaranteed to be enlightening for everyone from the novice to the expert. Have I sparked an interest in you? Would you like to host a wine tasting in your home?? Ask five of your wine loving friends if they will have a wine tasting party. You will love this opportunity, and so will they!

The Traveling Vineyard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was definitely a good time, and very educational. When's the next one?