Saturday, July 12, 2008


Believe it or not...I did it! I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. Why?? Because I needed to have some excitement for my 28th birthday! In addition, it was an item on my bucket list. I have no idea how I am going to top this for my 30th, but plans are in motion.

I have no regrets on this jump. As you can see from the video, I appeared to be carefree. It was scary initially, when I had to sign all these documents stating that if I die, my family could not sue the company, Skydive Orange...even if the death was their fault. Nonetheless, I still found myself initialing and signing my life away as if I was purchasing a home.

Skydiving is fun, but it is considered an extreme sport. That said, I still think it is an experience and adventure that YOU should give a try!


Anonymous said...

No, I shouldn't.

IT Man said...

You are crazy!!! Glad you had fun though.