On Friday night, I met my friend Nicole at the Fairfax Corner movie theater. She wanted to see “Backup Plan”. While I wasn’t too thrilled to see this movie, I decided to oblige.
Since this wasn’t planned out, we didn’t have any idea of the showtimes. When we walked in, I noticed that no one was in line, but instead people were standing outside of the line looking at the dashboard of titles and times.
It didn’t take long before I realized what everyone was looking at; the adult movie tickets were $15.25 and a child ticket was $12.75. My mouth dropped. I was appalled that this theater had the gall and audacity to charge astronomical prices for the entertainment of watching a movie!!
Without speaking a word, I did an about-face and headed out the theater. There was no way, I was going to pay $15 for a movie ticket. Nicole really wanted to see the movie and even offered to pay for my ticket. We stood there for a moment bringing attention to ourselves because I had to drag (almost literally) her out the door while I explained to her that at the price of $15 we could have PURCHASED the movie. I think that was the driving point in which she realized that I was right.
From this instance, it was decided that I must take a stand. When movie tickets were $9, I complained but I still went to the movies. The realization is that is what do as a society--complain with no action. So instead of joining the majority, I am officially boycotting all movie theaters in the Washington DC area. Whether I am paying or not, if we don’t patronize these venues, they can’t survive and they will be forced to charge us reasonable prices.
Is it not enough that we pay $3 for a small popcorn and $5 for a drink? At this rate, a family of four doesn’t stand a chance at the movie theater.
*stage exit left*